Outsiders: Bureau B w/ eat-girls, Isa Schwarzenberg & Daniel Jahn
For the June episode of their monthly Outsiders residency, Isa Schwarzenberg & Daniel Jahn from Hamburg's Bureau B invited the three-piece band eat-girls from Lyon, their newest family members on the label, to start their journey together with a joint mix. First hour eat-girls, second hour by Bureau B.
YL Hooi - Stranger
Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine - Les dingues et les paumés
Tortoise- Tin Cans & Twine -
Tirzah - Send Me
Sharon Tate Modern - Shy
Fiesta en el vacío - Apocalipsis de solentiname
Sonic Youth - Protect Me You
Dali Muru & the Polyphonic Swarm - Horny for the Acousmatic Hum
Throbbing Gristle - Still Walking
Flaming Tunes - Another Flaming Tune
Sneaks - Boxed In
Forma Norte - Fondo
Lolina - Night Fright
Section 25 - Always Now
Portishead - We Carry On
Bela Bartók - The Miraculous Mandarin
Rosso Polare - mana
Pop-Off Tuesday - Looked Through You In Mexico
Kuupuu - Mapau
Le Diable Degoutant - Je Suis Sur L’Autoroute
8 TNT - Party Line
Crawling With Tarts - Gentle Wind
eat-girls - 3 Omens
Lylyth - Hissings
Nina Harker - müssen wir noch aufblühen ??
Nausea - Killing Time
Tunnelvision - Watching The Hydroplanes
Ruth - She Brings The Rain
Tristes Tropiques - Untitled
Sueño Sueño - Lluvia
The Prats - Die Todten Reyten Schnell
Arbeit - Bundes Nachrichten Dienst
Horrid Red - Animal Life
Indifferent Dance Centre - Flight & Pursuit
Animaux Surround - Hallali
Thick Pigeon - Subway