UNBURDENED BONES w/ Lazzaro & No Angel
UNBURDENED BONES w/ Lazzaro & No Angel

Rising from a long slumber, No Angel wakes to a new light in the forest. Ripping out the rotten roots of comparison, boundaries and practiced beliefs he creates a clearing for a new ritual to emerge.

Momentum (Inner Cycles) - Sequences Tune Time Machine - Nurse With Wound Ghent Music School (field recording) - Mary Ocher zither/voice/tape-loop - Wouter van Veldhoven Lions Writing The Bible - The Third Eye Foundation Hilarion 1983 - Agostino Microclimates III-VI: Remote Gale (Microclimate VI) - Natasha Barrett All the Pretty Little Horsies - Current 93 Tending Garden - Still House Plants Magnetic Kiss - Lucrecia Dalt E:E - Bill Nace Milky Eye - Eartheater & LEYA Snapping Shrimps (Sounds of Sea Animals, Vol.2: Florida) Day 11 Three Pipe Percussionists 水管乐 - Southeast of Rain 东南有雨 Hospital Chapel - Burial Teresa's Song - Islaja Remember - BEAK> I Blink You Blink - Broadcast MANKIND - KELMAN DURAN Women's Hour - Daphne Oram, Andrea Parker & Daz Quayle The Sun's Gone Dim and the Sky's Turned Black - Johann Johannsson A Little Bit Ironic (tape loop) - D. DuBois Saya - Elvira del Rocío Snow storm, ólafsfjörður, Iceland - Kate Carr Sorgsendömet fobos III - Tusen år under jord The Bell Tower (intro) - Clarissa Connelly Summer Substructures - Coil Church Scream - Wooden Veil When It Burned - Gowns Tempestuous Echoes - Johan Krist The Oak and the Ash - Molly Drake Howling Dogs in the Yukon (field recording) - D. DuBois