Outsiders: Música Màquina (Mutant Sounds special)
Música Màquina pays this month tribute to Mutant Sounds, and that golden "era" of blogspots and sharing music through online file hosting services like Mediafire and Rapidshare.
For this mixtape, label co-founder Jordi Serrano selects music which he discovered thanks to Mutant Sounds.
1. Bobby Brown - Axonda
2. Epitaphe - La Joie
3. Deux Filles - The Draw in Room
4. Len Liggins - Love
5. Earwax Control - Peruvian Pipeline
6. Metronomes - Regular Guys
7. Dark White - Call Of The Wild (Wild Mix)
8. Deuter - Blue Waves Gold
9. Vasilisk - Crackling
10. Phil Brammer - Little Fishes Inna Big Tank
11. Bobby Brown - Tiny Wind Of Shanol
12. Igor Wakhevitch - Rituel De Guerre Des Esprits De La Terre
13. Algebra Suicide - Little Dead Bodies
14. Chain of Command - Some aspects
15. Cruciferius - Big Bird
16. Laura Allan - Nicasio