Collecting Kernels w/ Pastige
On Collecting Kernels, Pastige traverses a wide spectrum of DIY-inspired music: from ambient meditative spaces to intimate bedroom creations and unhinged dance material, nothing's off the table. Artwork by Arne Nuyts and Elisa Wij
Gyeongsu * Countless °Association Fatale°
Java Java Wetware * Even Cowgirls Get The Blues °Avon Terror Corps°
Toxic Frequency * Harbinger °Delodio°
Tryphème * CRY SILENT CRY °Central Processing Unit°
Masaki Uchida * Neximalina °Loose Lips°
Jackson Veil Panther * Metal Sofia °Bokeh Versions°
Tryphème * CYBER SPIRAL °Central Processing Unit°
MYKI * Vio Bio °Tofistock°
Folie 2 * Sg Suprasound °Themes For Great Cities°
Baby Buddha * Then I Sleep °Dark Entries Records°
Folie 2 * Confrontation °Themes For Great Cities°
Bi-Face * Mouthpad °Pod Communication°
Slowglide * Vivarium °Comic Sans Records°