On Collecting Kernels, Pastige traverses a wide spectrum of DIY-inspired music: from ambient meditative spaces to intimate bedroom creations and unhinged dance material, nothing's off the table. Artwork by Arne Nuyts and Elisa Wij
Death Is Not The End * Gretel °Death Is Not The End°
Asa Tone * To Tell A Picture °self-released°
Agonis * Sunlight Filtering Through Skyscrapers °Amenthia°
Jigga * Huemu °Bedouin Records°
Anna vs June * For D_V °Osare! Editions°
Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm * Swaddledidaf °Stroom°
δρ * Fifty Fifty (Anatolian Weapons Rework) °Kalahari Oyster Cult°
D.A.F. * Der Räuber Und Der Prinz °Mute°
Wilted Woman * Tick °self-released°
Fetter * A Different Body °Osare! Editions°
Vito Ricci * Dox E Koo (Solo Voice) °Music From Memory°
Nuke Watch * NWSR °The Trilogy Tapes°
Das Kinn * Das Kinn °Sameheads°
Manisdron * Alphabet Of Spring °L.I.E.S.°
Geier Aus Stahl * Müdes Geschrei °Eine Welt°