Collecting Kernels w/ Pastige
Jon Hopkins & King Creosote * Immunity °Domino Recordings°
Jon Hopkins & Raphaelle Standell * Form By Firelight °Domino Recordings°
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith * Who I am And Why Am I Where I Am °Western Vinyl°
Ao * Agarrar °San-Kofa Rhythm Records°
Roberto Musci * Lullabies… Mother Sings… Father Plays ° Music From Memory°
Steven Brown reads John Keats * Fill For Me °Sub Rosa°
Mantris * Heaven °Souvenirs From Imaginary Cities°
Christoph Waelkens * Dawn °Vlek°
Steven Brown reads John Keats * More Happy Happy °Sub Rosa°
Worldwide Zen * Bamboo Cell (Stéphane Laporte Remix) °Worldwide Zen°
Linda Smith * I So Liked Spring °Efficient Space°
Arthur Russell * A Little Lost °Soul Jazz Records°
Francis Inferno Orchestra presents Veranda Culture * New Worlds °Veranda Culture°
Carl Weingarten * In The Sun °Emotional Rescue°
Ana Frango Eléctrico * Chocolate °Risco°
Kokorowa * Killing Time °Epic°
Steven Brown reads John Keats * You Say You Love °Sub Rosa°
Nora Guthrie * Home Before Dark °Efficient Space°